Monday, March 16, 2009

Racial Profiling in Toronto

Racial Profiling has become one of the most controversial issues that the Canadian society faces these days. Toronto Star concluded through its research that members of visible minority group are stopped and searched by police for belonging to a specific ethnic group. Public surveys show that majority of people believe in the involvement of Police in Racial Profiling at some level. Publications on the issue can affect the performance of police to tackle crime. The presence of High density of Police in some ethnic minority areas can be justified by the uneven distribution of crime in the city but still the psychological impacts of this action on the society of members of ethnic minority are deep. A Change Cultural Values and bringing transparency in Law Enforcement System are the keys to solve this problem.

This article is about racial profiling. Racial profiling as the term suggests is to discriminate between the individuals on the basis of their color. (Gold, 2003) This term is used when normally police arrests, questions, discriminates or accuses a person of a crime keeping their race or ethnicity first. In the criminological literature, racial profiling is said to exist when the members of certain ethnicity or race are subject to greater levels of criminal justice surveillance than others.(Wortley, 2003) Racial Profiling is therefore commonly termed as police disparity in stop and search operations, searching and checking of goods on the airport and border areas, increased police patrolling in racial minority areas, undercover activities or sting operations that target particular ethnic groups.(Wortley, 2003)

The literature revolves around different writers' point of view about racial profiling. It all began with Toronto Star's reports in October 2002 which claimed to have evidence of Toronto police involved in racial profiling.( Melchers, 2003) Different writers have put their ideas into black and white discussing the boarder, narrower and general impacts and effects of racial profiling. The Toronto police did file a case back on the Toronto Star. In this review, I will describe and highlight the main points of the researched literature on Racial Profiling and then present my own ideas about the subject. Racial Profiling happens all the time. A police officer pulls over a car for a "routine" stop, or a customs officer at an airport or border crossing targets someone for a secondary examination. Usually nothing untoward is found and the person continues on their journey. (Wortley, 2003)

This sort of routine check is normal but when a member of a visible ethnic minority group is stopped for checking, the same routine checking turns into a horrifying nightmare extending over hours in some cases and the person investigated is left with an experience of guilt.( Gabor, 2004) Many times that investigation prolongs and continuous checking of that person goes on and on, keeping records and logs of his routine. It has been seen in a lot of cases that many persons driving on the road are stopped just because of being black. (Wortley, 2003)There is nothing wrong with routine checking but when it enters into the boundaries of racial biasing, it should be.

Thematic Presentations
Theme 1: Need for more Research on Racial Profiling
Racial profiling has become one of the most controversial issues facing the Canadian criminal justice system. In a recent article, Thomas Gabor dismisses much of the evidence of racial profiling in Canada as "baseless" and "inflammatory.”(Gabor, 2004) We address Gabor's critique by highlighting findings from a Toronto survey which suggest that black youth are much more likely to report being stopped and searched by the police than youth from other racial backgrounds. Logistic regression analysis reveals that the impact of race remains strongly significant after controlling for social class, self-reported criminal activity, gang membership, drug and alcohol use, and public leisure activities. (Gabor, 2004) The article concludes with a discussion of the impact that racial profiling has on minority communities and a brief review of the potential benefits - and consequences - of mandating the police to collect their own stop and search data. (Gabor, 2004)
University of Toronto criminologist Scot Wortley wrote that "being stopped and searched by the police … seems to be experienced by black people as evidence that race still matters in Canadian society.(Wortley, 2003) No matter how well you behave, how hard you try, being black means that you will always be considered one of the ‘usual suspects.'"(Wortley, 2003) Wortley argues for more research and more data collection by police forces, saying the refusal to deal with it will "ensure that the issue of racial discrimination continues to haunt law enforcement agencies for decades to come." (Wortley, 2003)

Theme 2: Racial Profiling: Sociological Impacts
Alan D Gold was appointed by the Toronto police department to answer the obligations of Toronto Star. Gold in his article about the accusations by the Toronto Star took the point of view that the allegation by the journal on Toronto police was not based on any scientific grounds. It could be referred to as a junk science and nothing more than that.(Melchers, 2003) He added that any parts there exists a belief in racial profiling and this is a social reality but the fact that these allegations are of really some importance can not be true(Gold, 2003). He further added that usually media talked about an issue and rumors are an important part of this industry making it a multi million dollar industry in its context. The matter of racial profiling true or not is not of such importance as the solution to this problem (Melchers, 2003). There can be number of ways to resolve this problem.
The problem can be solved by improving communication, building transparency in justice system and by ensuring that each such case of discrimination can be dealt with as quickly as possible. In a society including many races and nationalities, this matter takes serious form as it brings a question mark to the entire system and puts it at a risk. It has also become a threat to the ability of the police to maintain law( Wortley, 2003) and order because if the police gets involved in such activities then there will no longer be a trust on the police department. The information by the Toronto star was obtained by Criminal Information Processing System also called CIPS. (Gold, 2003)

Theme 3: Public Views about Racial Profiling
Melcher how ever is of the point of view that many surveys show that majority of public and majority of visible minority group ("Blacks") do believe that the Police is racially biased and they do discriminate on the basis of race and color.( Melchers, 2003) Media did promote the word profiling and it has become common in recent decades." The police and other public organizations continuously monitor the color and race of the person stopped and keep records of it for future uses. This strengthens the case that racial profiling exists", said Melcher.(Melcher, 2003) Data collecting systems have become the main reason for people to believe that racial profiling exists.( Gabor, 2004)
Of course, it's always the appeal to higher values that allows racism to flourish.( Wortley, 2003) Prior to the civil rights movement, for example, many advocates of segregation claimed it was in the best interests of everyone. Blacks benefited from and wanted the system, it was argued.(Wortley, 2003) And today, it's easy to see the comparable argument about universal benefits for racial profiling of, say, airline passengers: everyone, even those targeted, is safer when those who fit the profile of a terrorist are subject to increased search. The argument was cogently summed up by Rudy Maxa, the travel expert in residence on the public radio program Marketplace, August 11, 2004:

The data under CIPS is provided free and the above mentioned paper used the data for further analysis by its experts and then using a deductive method, calculated the results. The results challenged both the proactively and reactivity of the police department which can not be true (Gold, 2003).Only the evidences that were useful in approving their point were used and the remaining was left which is a case of unfair evaluation and hence molding of the results to one’s own will.(Gold, 2003)

The Star used as its comparison, the general population figures from the last available census and claimed it to be a recognized standard which can not be true as no reputable researcher uses this kind of data as the backbone of the research (Gold, 2003). If the police were involved in any such activity then there would be increase in unsuccessful outcomes which is definitely not the case. Star had incorrectly presented the facts and violated many rules of research due to which its claim is wrong.(Gold, 2003)

The police department answered with Gold and denied the accusations set by the Star of singling out blacks. The police union went further and launched a $ 2.7 billion class action libel suit on behalf of its 7,200 union members.( Wortley, 2003) Since then this claim by Toronto police went to many attorneys, crown prosecutors, judges and police officials for their remarks on the issue for further strengthening the case against Toronto Star. (Melchers. 2003)

Wortley analyzed the report and concluded that Gold's report (1) does not properly define racial profiling and totally ignores the published criminological literature on this topic; (2) makes several incorrect and/or misleading statements designed to discredit the Star's analysis; (3) engages in questionable "data cleaning" procedures that may dramatically reduce racial disparities in the arrest statistics; (4) provides neither a transparent nor a complete re-analysis of the Star's major findings; and (5) provides no concrete evidence that can disprove the Star's allegations of racial bias.(Wortley, 2003)

This detailed conclusion open the door for further arguments defining racial profiling in broader and narrower contexts. All of the researchers do agree that there was lack of evidence in Star’s publication, yet it is to be noted that the reports published after Gold's report, do not rule out the possibility of Toronto Police's involvement in Racial Profiling. It is still believed as shown above through public opinions that majority of the public agree with the idea that police is involved in racial profiling.( Melcher 2003). The earlier reports did not address the racial profiling on a narrower scale. In 2004, Gabor's article brought new meanings to the topic stating that the previous articles failed to describe the reasons for high police presence in some minority neighborhoods. ( Gabor, 2004). Gabor further argues that it is true for crime to be distributed unevenly yet, it is not fair for high police density to be present in some minority areas most of the time. It makes the members of visible minority to feel like a criminal (Gabor, 2004). More over, if certain types of headings do continue to appear in news then it will certainly affect the society and it will have a deeper impact both psychologically and socially. ( Gabor, 2004)

Personal Reflection
There is no other subject that is more controversial at this time than racial profiling. If an air line pays special attention to the passengers from Middle East, it can get itself into trouble. If the air line takes out two such passengers on the other hand for checking, then it again risks a lawsuit. But the other side of the coin tells a different story. The al Qaeda members who are mostly Arab men look for potential security loopholes into the US system. I am trying to look at racial profiling from a completely different perspective. So is it unfair and against civil rights to check people especially on the airports if doubted?I do not think so but the process should be performed efficiently and transparently.

Another view of this scenario is that it is again making the life easier for the white people and discrimination is done on the basis of race and color.( Melchers, 2003) The old types of distinction used to consist of religion. It is all statistical these days. You get the statistics that it is highly probable for a terrorist to be from Middle East and have a swarthy complexion.

But the old racism was also based on science. But it was a junk science. We were supposed to prevent the black from mixing up in the white superiority. The segregation was of course done on this junkyard science that whites have bigger brains. We can say thanks to Stephen Jay Gould's classic. The "mismeasure" of man which was wrapped in the cover of science was totally flat out wrong.(Wortley, 2003) Gould showed that the scientists had totally measured the brain casings wrongly which had helped to justify the dominance of the whites. Gould measured the space inside the skull and found out the results that totally busted this idea supported by previous researches.

Even if we talk of today's era of scientific facts, racial profiling still exists, whether it's a railway station, bus stop or an airport, the racial discrimination is still part of the system on the basis of color and ethnicity(Wortley, 2003). It is more of cultural than statistical.( Gabor, 2004) The idea of scrutinizing a few people from the crowd facilitates the security agencies rather than pushing every one in the queue which can further dampen the ticket sales and demoralize those who travel only for luxury and visits( Wortley, 2003). To avoid the situations, only a few people are selected based on their race, separate from the crowd which lowers the cost of the security agencies as well.

Since it seems as if the racial profiling helps by lowering down the cost and facilitating the process, it is therefore our nature now to see it vas more scientific than as racism (Gabor, 2004). This is the same kind of trap that the scientists have been falling into in past days with the theory of white having bigger brains. It was not only mythological but was also not based on any scientific facts. Even now days, we have to think that are we seeing the data correctly or it is again just like the old days, being tricked by the context of cultural values wrapping the so called "scientific facts". (Melchers, 2004)

The security on the airport is a serious security concern how ever. We can not say that there is no need for it and treat it as a myth. I.S. has killed civilians around the world. Statistically, more than 5,000 in Afghanistan and more than 37,000 are killed in Iraq so far. Dictators are being trained and financed. It can not be a mystery that there are organizations who want to attack back on us. Their violence is reprehensible, just as ours is. But if we're going to insist on empire, then heightened airport security is part of the cost of doing our grisly business.

There are so many nations and races here there it is not possible to say which one is the superior one. It is totally unethical and wrong. Police department has been accused of racial profiling.( Wortley, 2003) Despite all the contradictory speeches and cases, it is still a fact that racial profiling is done. It has somehow become part of the system. The areas where black people live are more patrolled by the police than the other areas.(Melcher, 2003) It is true that some areas are more risky and a recent survey does show that at least 60% calls for public crimes at police emergency numbers report almost some specific areas for those crimes. (Wortley, 2003)It increases the probability of crime in those areas and in turn the police patrolling, but the problem here is that police people are found to stop people of visible minority group without any specific reason and investigate them without a proof.( Wortley, 2003) It is not to just stop any one and start investigating because he/she belongs to a visible minority group.( Gabor, 2004)

On the other hand, this is also true that if security is not tightened this way, then there can be further delays and hindrances to justice. It has also been proved that in specific areas, 70% crimes are done by members of a specific ethnic minority group (Gold, 2003). Police is some times, how ever obliged to take these kinds of steps to fulfill the security needs.

It is also not necessary that a person from a visible minority group is essentially involved in a crime of any time.(Melchers, 2003)Although according to police, there can be high probability for it, yet it makes no sense at all. All people are equal and should be treated equally. It is totally unfair to bring out a few people out of the crowd and only investigate them doubting them on the basis of visible minority color or ethnicity.(Melchers, 2003) The effects of this kind of controversy are long lasting but we have to eliminate the racial profiling from our society.

Research Question: Do racial Profiling exist in Canada? If yes, what are the factors that contribute in furthering this problem and what actions can be taken to avoid and limit society's black hole?

All the Articles that I have studied mostly debate about racial profiling, the causes and effects of it and the methods to eliminate it. They all revolve around the involvement of police in racial profiling. The topic is of utmost importance because it deals with the community of blacks and Hispanics and their problems with police. The minorities are important part of the society and they should be given equal rights and respect as stated by the law and also we should be caring for them because they are humans as ourselves.

Racial profiling to some extent do exist and as the reports and surveys state, there are some proofs of it that it exists even if only psychologically or in reality. Whether people are involved in it willingly or unwillingly, it should be stopped coz it is a big dot on the entire system and the system should be cleared of it. The overall mindset of people has to be changed about this issue. Only by making the trials & investigations unbiased and more transparent, eliminating the factors that increase the psyche of racial biasing and by ensuring that every one is treated equally regardless of gender, race, color and ethnicity, this problem can be resolved and we can succeed in making a secure and unbiased society free of racial profiling.

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Money Motivation

What is money? Money is nothing but what you see- printed coins and paper, yet looking at society today it is plain to see money plays a vital part. There is no question that we live in a very materialistic world today. In this kind of society, it is projected that the only true motivation is that of “making the most money.” We, the affirmative team believe this to be true, especially in the context of the workplace. The driving force that ultimately guides work-related behaviour is money, money and only money. That is “only money motivates.”

According to the Collins Dictionary the term motivate is defined as “to give incentive to”. It is regarded as the “internal drive” that compels an individual to portray distinct behaviour (Kreitner, 1995). In defining the word money on the other hand, we look beyond the general concept of money only being notes and coins, seeing that we believe money in the circumstances of the workplace can exist in various forms. Examples of which include profit sharing, commissions and share issues as well as objects with a high monetary value. The following paragraphs will attempt to prove the statement "only money motivates" by illustrating various examples that have perceived to confirm this statement true.

You only have to take one look at society today to acknowledge that only money motivates. The lottery for instance, there is no other reason behind a person’s motive in buying a lottery ticket other than that person being motivated by the idea they could win a bucket load of money. Even reality TV and radio today entice people with an amount of money to exploit themselves in every way imaginable. Lets face it, would you hunt down the 2day FM fugitive for the fun of it? Would you eat a bull’s testicle out of your own free will? Significant past events have also occurred motivated by money. In 1923 the event known infamously as the gold rush created turmoil in Australia. Australia’s population tripled in the next 9 years as people rushed from overseas to try their luck in increasing their wealth, motivated purely by their hopes of discovering of gold.

In the workplace today, we are also finding a similar trend occurring. Money is the reason behind the choice made by countless men and women today to farewell their love ones and colleagues to seek better paid job opportunities overseas. Engineers like Mitch Querickiol are being lured overseas by wages that allow them to enjoy the greater comforts in life, and jobs that provide them enough opportunities to advance in their fields. "I think in the end, it's money," says Arthur Young, president and CEO of PSi Technologies (Buenconsejo, 2001). There is no doubt that this case is just one of many. An article with the heading ‘Growing crisis for our hospitals as 5,500 a year join the brain drain in search of better pay’ (Browne, 2001) says it all. Not only are engineers making the move overseas, nurses are shifting their focus beyond their national borders to seek better wages. Motivated purely by the concept of higher salaries.

The motivating powers of money are also drawing the attentions of professional sport stars. Soccer and rugby players are a good example, where they grasp every opportunity to play for the ‘highest bidder’, which unfortunately sees a lot of great talent leaving the country. Have they forgone the opportunity to pridefully play for their own country just for the sake of more money? It appears so. In addition, it has also been noted that professional tennis players have refused to play at Wimbledon the ‘Mecca” of lawn tennis, because the rewards were not attractive (

Workers and professional athletes are not the only ones crossing waters to seek better financial opportunities. Companies have also started to focus their efforts in a more globalised-context by becoming promising multinational companies. There is only one motive behind big multinational companies- to make billions. What motivates a multinational company to hire labour from poor countries? Obviously, the ability for greater profits. Seeing as people in poorer countries will work for less, multinational companies have realised the way to save big on wages and further increase their profits is to utilise this ‘cheap labour’. In this case, it is obvious to see that what motivates a company to move towards globalisation is money and only money.

There are a numerous amount of jobs out there today, some which most people are less than willing to perform. Yet there are so many people who are willing to perform these jobs every single day. A garbage collector who collects foul smelling trash daily stands by their work because they know they are getting paid enough for their efforts. This is the only reason why they choose to do what they do. You could say, to them “only money motivates” in this instance. These jobs have nothing to offer in terms of working conditions and other job benefits, all they have to offer is money.

This is one of the reasons we disagree with theorists like Fredrick Herzberg that dispel the idea that money does not motivate, “ for Herzberg money was not a motivator” (Wood, Wallace, Zeffane, Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn 2001). Thomas A Stewart a writer for Business 2.0 magazines claims "Money is not a motivator -- is nonsense. Money motivates me to do lots of things, as it does you, and a lot of money would motivate me to do things that I wouldn't do for less. Money motivates.”

The reoccurring incidences of wages disputes and industrial strikes that have loomed society also prove why only money motivates. Qantas baggage handlers and freight workers were recently involved in a protracted dispute with the company about wages. More significant recently were the strikes of nearly 4000 Sydney bus drivers, which affected most of us in some way. This big fuss was caused all by one major issue- pay. Bus drivers of Sydney had called for a 27% increase in their base wage over three years. Claiming that their pay had fallen far behind other public sector jobs in recent years (Kerr, 2002).
Everywhere in the media we hear about unhappy workers calling upon pay rises. Never do you hear workers striking over other workplace related issues. It almost sounds silly for a group of staff if they were receiving high pay packets, to strike over their belief that they feel unappreciated in the workplace and because they feel their achievement have gone unrecognised by managers at work.

This subject matter then compels us to ask where non-monetary factors fit in all this? Our belief is that non-monetary factors such as working conditions, interpersonal relationships and organisational policies and procedures are not motivators but merely hygiene factors that only serve to keep people from being dissatisfied, so here we indeed agree with Herzberg’s theory of motivation. We believe the factors that provide job satisfaction only cause and strengthen organisational commitment, but not motivation or work performance. Many people these days would rather work overtime than call it a day if they knew they were in return receiving a bonus from their supervisor.

As mentioned before monetary rewards such as share options can also be regarded as money. Many companies grant share options to their employees to motivate them towards achieving the organisational goals of higher work productivity and performance. Last year, Vodafone granted share options to more than 42000 employees around the world. Each employee receiving an option to buy Vodafone shares with a face value equal to 50% of their annual salary (Vodafone, 2001). Proposed plans like these have been a success as a survey conducted in 1997 discovered that broad-based stock option companies had 31% more productivity than all public companies (NECO, 2002). Share schemes are improving productivity because employees are realising that the more profit the business makes the greater the dividend they receive. Thereby securely aligning the employee’s individual goals of making money with the organisational’s overall objective of profitability.

Money is also the only reason behind employees staying with a company. Offering bonuses have seen to help employee retention. Jim Moran of the Jim Moran Institute for Global

Entrepreneurship maintains if you want to keep and retain employees you must:
1. pay employees higher than market rates; ‘employees stay happier and work harder if they are paid higher than the market rates.’
2. establish a signing or continuation bonus. One local entrepreneur offered a key receptionist a $5,000 bonus if she stayed three more years. If she left before the three years, then she was legally responsible for the prorated share of the bonus not earned. We believe that bonuses that tie employees to the company over a three to four year time period are excellent investments.
3. have an incentive system in place.
It is plain to see that more money will motivate an employee to stay with their firm and therefore insure the long-term viability of the business. Would having flexible hours and challenging work entice an employee to stay, if they are not receiving an appealing pay package? It is highly unlikely.

On a different note yet still on the context of the workplace, money has also motivated a minority group of individuals to the extreme point of corruption. Most recently, Sneza Suteski, an accounts clerk, was found guilty of murder for arranging the death of her boss. What was her motive? Money. Suteski devised an "elaborate and complex" scheme by changing bank numbers in the automatic payments system for invoices she got approval for, that would have seen $500,000 flow into the bank accounts of herself, her brother and her ex-boyfriend (McNamara, 2002). This case serves to prove the extreme motivational power of money in the workplace, even if it involved carrying out something horrendous like murder. Emphasising the point once again, that people are purely driven by money.

Embezzlement is another workplace related crime purely motivated by money. It involves the act of an employee stealing company funds from their employers. This month, Citizen Times has posted an article about a Candler woman who was charged with 20 counts of embezzlement and accused of stealing more than $250,000 from her employer over about four years (O'Brien, 2002). This is just one of many cases of embezzlement that is going on in workplaces today. Employees that carry out these unethical and dishonest acts are driven by the thought of getting their hands on one thing only- money.

Famous sayings like “money makes the world go around”, “money makes the mare go” and “show me the money” successfully serve as testaments to our argument but reflecting on the previous examples, money as we have defined it, is clearly the sole motivator in work and many other environments. In fact, it is such a powerful motivator that it enables people to consistently work under conditions that the majority wouldn’t wish to encounter for a day. On the other hand, if people don’t have enough, workers and unions are happy to disrupt the lives of the public to get more money and where this is not possible, many sporting and other individuals are happy to leave the country in search of it. In the unfortunate cases, money as the sole motivator in the workplace, ranges from exploitation of people for cheap labour in some countries, to more publicly-known crimes such as murder and embezzlement. Ultimately, there is no doubt in our minds that ‘only money motivates’.

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How to Write an Essay

Students from all over the world have difficulties in writing academic essays assigned by their professors and teachers. There are a lot of disciplines can be applied for essay writing. Among them: Business, Law, Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Management, Marketing, Economics, Religious studies (Religion), Social issues (Sociology), Anthropology, Politcal science, Science, Computer science, Media studies, Medicine, Health care, Nursing, Psychology, Philosophy, Technology, IT, Communications, Arts, Sports, Music, Programming, Engineering, Criminology, Ecology, Geography, Geology, Literature (World literature, American literature and English literature), English language, Spain, French, German, History (World history, American history and English literature), Tourism and Leisure, Business Law, HR Management, Community studies, Mathematics (Maths), Biology, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Teaching, Education and other fields of study. All these subjects have its own specifications and peculiar features as for writing. All these studies can be written in different citation styles (formats): APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian or Harvard. The disciplines listed above are taught in School, High School, College, University (Undergraduate, Master's, MBA or Ph.D. academic degrees).

Most students face a big problem: "How to write a good essay and to get an excellent grade for it?", "How to prepare an essay overnight?", "How to make an essay fast?" or "How to do an essay and to get a good grade?".

This article will explain in details how to write an essay, and how to do an essay properly, to get the best grade. When teaching how to write an essay I'll be using different examples.

Writing an essay can seem to be easy in the first place, but as you start writing it you immediately ask yourself "How to write a good essay?" The levels are different, but if you know how to write a college essay you know basics how to write a high school essay, how to write a university essay and how to write a masters essay.

A good essay consists of an introduction, the body of an essay, and of course the conclusion. How to write an essay outline? This is 1 of the most important things, when writing an essay paper. An outline shows what will be included in your paper. Try to write your essay outline as detailed as you can. It will help you formulate your ideas and structure the text of your essay.

After you have written the essay outline and you know how to write the essay introduction you get on to it. Writing an introduction is the hardest, as you need to arouse interest in your essay. In the introduction everything is supposed to be clear. And you don't need to go into details too much. It can be similar to writing an essay thesis. If you know how to write an essay thesis youll be ok.

After youre done with the essay introduction you must reread and make sure, that everything is mentioned and every issue is addressed.

Afterwards, the body is supposed to be written the most detailed part of your essay. If you are familiar with the principles on how to write a persuasive essay or how to write a narrative essay or even how to write an analysis essay its the same.

When you are through with the body of your essay you wonder how to write an essay conclusion. Here you simply summarize what youve written in the body, according to what was stated in the introduction.

I hope my teaching how to write an essay helped you.

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